Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A trip to Estonia - March 2011 - Tanja

My experiences: Estonia 2011

It was cold and started to snow. And we quickly realized that Estonia was completely different from Germany when we jumped out of the plane. We were thrown into a new culture - the Estonian culture. Exploring Tallinn on our own showed us how impressive the capital was. A nice event on that trip was visiting the ,,Güümnasium” in Viljandi. It was nice to compare everything. The school is smaller than ours in Neukirchen-Vluyn, but that’s what makes it so interesting. Thanks to the film we watched during the history lesson, I know much more about the Estonian history than before. It was really nice to watch the film, but it felt quite strange to sit next to Estonians while watching a history film about their terrible past with Adolf Hitler, even though I always felt very welcome among the Estonians. I am glad I learned so much about this new culture, history and way of life. Staying with the host family had always been something I was looking forward to. I really felt well and everyone got along with the others. Of course it was hard for them to share their house with a strange person. But the host family was so nice all the time and we couldn’t even imagine having trouble with each other. The food was really enjoyable. There were some things I already knew from Poland, but it’s best to be open for everything. When I looked out of the window at night, I always felt like in deep winter although it was spring, because the house was surrounded by snow. I was surprised we had no problems becoming friends. It didn’t take long until we found some really friendly people who accepted us the way we are. The atmosphere among our whole group was really nice. We got along very well. Using English for communication didn’t pose any problems. We understood each other and it was a good practice and much fun. Now back in Germany I feel that I have improved my speaking skills a bit. But I’m sure I will miss everything in Estonia. I can’t stop thinking about this wonderful time. Everything was so exciting every day. That’s what I will always remember: Visiting hydro plant Keila Joa, talking about regenerative sources, trying to understand the Norwegian and Estonian’s perspectives and enjoying the long bus rides together in a magical country, where I was able to make many new friends. Of course I want to stay in touch with the others. There are so many heart-warming memories that we share. I’m happy someone invented the Internet, but I’m even happier I had the chance to be part of this phenomenal project.

Tanja Berg

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